Gone with the Wind Characters

November 16, 2023
Gone with the Wind Characters

The iconic “Gone with the Wind characters” continue to captivate audiences. Set during the American Civil War, the story follows the spirited character Scarlett O’Hara as she navigates love and war. Ashley Wilkes, her idealistic love interest, adds depth to the narrative. Rhett Butler, a charming rogue, stirs both admiration and intrigue.

Together, these “Gone with the Wind characters” personify the turmoil and resilience of the era. Their emotions and choices drive the plot forward, drawing viewers into their captivating world. Gone with the Wind characters remain timeless symbols of passion, determination, and unforgettable drama.

Gone with the Wind Characters

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Gone with the Wind Characters

Character NameShort Description
Scarlett O’HaraA headstrong Southern belle and the protagonist.
Rhett ButlerA charming blockade runner who loves Scarlett.
Ashley WilkesScarlett’s unrequited love, a honorable gentleman.
Melanie Hamilton WilkesAshley’s kind and loyal wife.
Gerald O’HaraScarlett’s Irish father, owner of Tara plantation.
Ellen O’HaraScarlett’s gentle and refined mother.
MammyThe family’s wise and devoted house servant.
PrissyA young, nervous servant girl at Tara.
PorkGerald O’Hara’s personal servant.
Suellen O’HaraScarlett’s jealous younger sister.
Carreen O’HaraScarlett’s sweet and religious sister.
Charles HamiltonScarlett’s first husband, Melanie’s brother.
Frank KennedyScarlett’s second husband, a store owner.
Bonnie Blue ButlerScarlett and Rhett’s cherished daughter.
Wade Hampton HamiltonScarlett’s son with Charles.
Ella Lorena KennedyScarlett’s daughter with Frank.
Aunt Pittypat HamiltonMelanie’s spinster aunt in Atlanta.
India WilkesAshley’s sister who dislikes Scarlett.
Honey WilkesAshley’s younger sister.
John WilkesAshley’s father, owner of Twelve Oaks.
Belle WatlingA kind-hearted brothel madam in Atlanta.
Big SamA strong field hand from Tara.
DilceyPork’s wife, a loyal house servant.
Jonas WilkersonThe O’Haras’ former overseer, later a Yankee sympathizer.
Emmie SlatteryA poor woman who marries Jonas Wilkerson.
Mrs. ElsingAn Atlanta society lady involved in war efforts.
Dr. MeadeA respected doctor in Atlanta.
Mrs. MeadeDr. Meade’s supportive wife.
Phil MeadeTheir son, a Confederate soldier.
Hugh ElsingMrs. Elsing’s son, also a soldier.
Fanny ElsingMrs. Elsing’s daughter.
Mrs. MerriwetherA practical and influential Atlanta matron.
Maybelle MerriwetherMrs. Merriwether’s lively daughter.
Grandma FontaineAn elderly neighbor known for her blunt advice.
Grandpa FontaineHer husband, an experienced planter.
Will BenteenA Confederate soldier who helps at Tara.
Aunt Pauline RobillardEllen’s sister in Charleston.
Uncle Henry HamiltonA family friend and lawyer.
René PicardEllen’s cousin from Charleston.
Beatrice TarletonMother of the Tarleton children, loves horses.
Brent TarletonOne of the red-haired twins courting Scarlett.
Stuart TarletonThe other twin also courting Scarlett.
Tom TarletonEldest Tarleton brother.
Hetty TarletonA Tarleton sister.
Cade CalvertSon of a neighboring planter.
Cathleen CalvertCade’s sister and Scarlett’s friend.
Sally BrewtonAn Atlanta society lady.
TobyA loyal servant at Tara.
ArchieAn ex-convict who works for Scarlett.
Uncle PeterAunt Pittypat’s protective coachman.
Beau WilkesMelanie and Ashley’s young son.
Tony FontaineA neighbor and friend of the O’Haras.
Alex FontaineTony’s brother.
Jim TarletonAnother Tarleton brother.
Betty TarletonA Tarleton daughter.
Mrs. CalvertMother of Cade and Cathleen.
Mr. CalvertFather of Cade and Cathleen.
Mrs. BonnellAn Atlanta society lady.
Bertie BonnellMrs. Bonnell’s daughter.
Mrs. WhitingA member of Atlanta society.
Joe WhitingMrs. Whiting’s son.
Mrs. WellburnAn Atlanta lady.
Tommy WellburnHer son, a Confederate soldier.
Grandpa MerriwetherPatriarch of the Merriwether family.
Mrs. HighburyAn Atlanta society lady.
Rosemary ButlerRhett’s sister in Charleston.
Eulalie ButlerRhett’s mother.
Langston ButlerRhett’s father.
Mrs. WilkesAshley’s mother.
Mr. MunroeAn Atlanta businessman.
Mrs. MunroeSally Munroe’s mother.
Mrs. FontaineMother of the Fontaine family.
Dr. FontaineFather of the Fontaine family.
Pauline RobillardEllen’s sister in Charleston.
Pierre RobillardEllen’s brother.
Grandma RobillardEllen’s mother.
Grandpa RobillardEllen’s father.
Captain RandallA Confederate officer.
Mr. O’ConnorAn Atlanta merchant.
Mrs. O’ConnorHis wife.
Miss O’ConnorTheir daughter.
Mrs. SmallAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. GuinanAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. McLureAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. BerrienAn Atlanta lady.
Mr. PryorAn Atlanta businessman.
Mrs. PryorHis wife.
Miss PryorTheir daughter.
Mrs. WellsAn Atlanta lady.
Mr. WellsHer husband.
Miss Susie WellsTheir daughter.
Uncle TomA house servant at Tara.
PrudieA field hand at Tara.
Old LeviAn elderly servant at Tara.
Dimity MunroeSally Munroe’s sister.
Miss FannyA teacher in Atlanta.
Andrew StevensA Confederate soldier.
Mira WhitingJoe Whiting’s sister.
Mrs. ChickeringAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. PalmerAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. BellAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. BatesAn Atlanta lady.
Mrs. HiltonAn Atlanta lady.
Tommy ChickeringMrs. Chickering’s son, a soldier.
Tommy BatesMrs. Bates’s son, a soldier.
Mrs. Merriwether’s AuntA minor character in Atlanta society.
Mrs. Hilton’s DaughterAn Atlanta belle.
Mrs. Palmer’s SonA young Confederate soldier.
Mrs. Elsing’s CousinA minor character.
Mrs. Guinan’s NieceAn Atlanta belle.
Mrs. Berrien’s SonA Confederate soldier.
Mr. MacIntoshAn Atlanta merchant.
Mrs. MacIntoshHis wife.
Miss MacIntoshTheir daughter.
Father O’HaraA priest and relative of the O’Haras.
Mr. O’HalloranAn Irish neighbor of the O’Haras.
Mrs. O’DowdAn Irish neighbor.
Mr. KeneallyGerald O’Hara’s Irish friend.
Dr. KennedyFrank Kennedy’s brother.
Mrs. KennedyFrank’s sister-in-law.
Miss KennedyFrank’s niece.
Captain ButlerRhett, often referred to by his title.
Andrew O’KeefeAn Irish friend of Gerald.
Mrs. McIntoshA neighbor in Atlanta.
Mrs. Tarleton’s CousinA minor character.
Mrs. Munroe’s SisterA minor character.
Mrs. Wellburn’s NieceAn Atlanta belle.
Mrs. Fontaine’s SisterA minor character.
Mr. Fontaine’s BrotherA minor character.
Mrs. O’Connor’s SisterA minor character.
Mrs. SlatteryEmmie’s mother.
Tom SlatteryEmmie’s father, a poor farmer.
Mr. MerriwetherMrs. Merriwether’s husband.
Grandpa TarletonPatriarch of the Tarleton family.
Mrs. Tarleton’s Sister-in-lawA minor character.
Nurse MammyAlternate name for Mammy.
Mrs. Elsing’s MaidA servant in the Elsing household.
Mrs. Merriwether’s CookA servant in the Merriwether household.
Mrs. Meade’s CousinA minor character.
Mrs. Highbury’s SonA young soldier.
Mr. CooperAn Atlanta businessman.
Mrs. CooperHis wife.
Miss CooperTheir daughter.
Mr. BellAn Atlanta businessman.
Mrs. Bell’s DaughterAn Atlanta belle.
Mr. BatesMrs. Bates’s husband.
Miss BatesTheir daughter.
Mrs. Chickering’s SisterA minor character.
Mrs. Palmer’s HusbandAn Atlanta businessman.
Mrs. Wells’s SisterA minor character.
Miss FontaineThe unmarried Fontaine daughter.
Mr. TarletonHusband of Beatrice Tarleton.
Mrs. Tarleton’s NieceA minor character.
Mr. BrewtonSally Brewton’s husband.
Mrs. Brewton’s DaughterAn Atlanta belle.
Mr. Pryor’s SonA young soldier.
Mrs. Pryor’s SisterA minor character.
Mr. WhitingMrs. Whiting’s husband.
Miss WhitingTheir daughter.
Mrs. O’Dowd’s SonAn Irish lad.
Mrs. O’Halloran’s DaughterA minor character.
Mr. Keneally’s WifeA minor character.
Gone with the Wind Characters

Stephen King

Stephen King, born in 1947, is a prolific American author celebrated for his mastery of horror and suspense. With over 60 novels and countless short stories, he's earned the title "The Master of Horror." King's compelling narratives and exploration of the human psyche have made him a literary icon and a major influence in popular culture. His notable works include "Carrie," "The Shining," "It," and "The Dark Tower" series, and his candid memoir "On Writing" has inspired aspiring writers worldwide. Stephen King's enduring legacy as a storyteller and his impact on the world of literature are undeniable.

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